The project’s concept is to work with the two phases that 24 hours are comprised of: day and night to apply two different ways of integrating the container in its environment.
During daylight, the container will be invisible due to a complete one-way mirror cover. This reflective facade will allow the container to fit into any location and melt with the existing environment. At nighttime, hidden electro panels, which are placed between the container face and the one-way mirrors will be illumed. This creates not only a place for light illustrating arts but also offers place for commercials. This way the container serves a not only functional but artistic purpose as well.
A one-way mirror is a semi-transparent mirror that is partially reflective and partially transparent. The perception of one-way transmission is achieved when one side of the mirror is brightly lit, and the other side is dark. This allows one to look through the mirrors from the darkened side but not vice versa.
Applied to a container facelift, a one-way mirror facade will allows make the container invisible during daytime. Every space behind the one-way mirror will be dark and therefore invisible due to the surrounding daylight. During nighttime, the opposite effect applies: while the surrounding environment is mostly dark, every space behind the one-way mirror will be visible when lit up.
The nighttime facelift can be used for cultural events such as neon art displays or light art installations by using LED spots behind a stencil. Containers could be the core of cultural events like cooking workshops or art classes. These activities could be sponsored by non-profit organizations, clubs or the local administration.
The electric circuit behind the one-way mirrors allows to install advertisings lights panels. Once the facelift is used for advertising and commercials it can easily pay off its construction and operating costs. Therefore, the facelift can be auto financing.
Commercial panels will only be visible at nighttime, their time of display can be regulated.